chat with gil-ad on web programming in israel, or lack thereof

israel is weird in that sense, it’s funny because it shows a clear lack of understanding of the market. the way i look at it, web is just another platform. and right now its the hottest, most interesting and most impacting platform.

it has the same interesting chalenges as other platforms have.
it makes repetitive things easier, there is a lot of mind power going into the underlying platforms that run this
they deal with big problems (e.g. millions of users, lots of data, relationships)

i think that it’s a fatal mistake, i had this myself as well, looking at web-programming as some sort of degraded level of programming

gil-ad> but here nobody tries to push a web site with millions of users

well i guess its a chicken and egg problem, that plus israelies don’t understand content and users, only technology, in a high level i mean.

so at the end its just hard to find experts in these fields in israel, which is a shame.
i wonder if it may be jeopardizing the israeli hitech industry in the long run, making it focus more and more on stuff like communications, hardware, etc. and less from the consumer world which now exists almost entirely on the web.

facebook friend status on my desktop

Facebook released RSS updates of friend statuses, so, me want play.

geektool is a utility for OSX that allows you to throw any piece of information
you want over your desktop’s wallpaper and under any running application.
here’s what a part of my desktop looks like:
full of valueable information, and now friend’s Facebook status too, until it
starts annoying me and I pull it off.

it takes 5 lines of Python code:

import feedparser
d = feedparser.parse(“….”)
e = d.entries[0:5]
for x in e:
   print x['title']

craigslist minor changes

just noticed two changes in, one for ‘prettiness’ and one for ‘cashiness’.
they added some css to their tabs at the top:

i’m all for simplicity, but these pages are plain ugly. i keep wondering if this is the result of taking too seriously the phrase ‘dont fiddle with a cash-milking cow’ or just old-school stubbornness.
they also added a link to RSS results at the bottom, together with a link that adds this page to your yahoo page thingy:

i wonder how much that little links is worth…